
Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Spooky (but cute) Easy Halloween Luminaries

Seriously cute!  I cannot even tell you how much fun we had making these ridiculously cute and seriously easy Halloween luminaries.  Thanks to Auntie Vy we have yet another fantastic, simple, kid friendly Halloween craft.  Are you still looking for some fun Halloweenie ideas that you can manage to get done in a day???  Well here it is!  Grab the kiddos and let's get to it.


Glass Jar (small vase, mason jar, candle bowl, etc.)
Assorted Water-based Paint (acrylic) - make sure you have black
Small Paint Brushes or Paint Sponges
Tea Lights or Votives

This is pretty easy to figure out as you go.  Hopefully with the pictures and some descriptions you will be all set to just do it to it.  Remember to have fun and be can make whatever faces you want!  Can you find the Harajuku girl amongst our luminaries? =)

Start out by painting your glass jar.  (The jars we used are from the 'dollar store' so they were literally a buck a piece.)  Use 1 color on each jar and try to paint in one direction.  This will give an even coat and leave you with some cool striations in the paint.

(I know, turn the flash off, duh!)

Once your paint is dry, take a small brush and your black paint and just trim all around the top of the jars.

Now take your sharpie and draw an outline of a face.  Any face, however you want to do it.  We have a ghostie, Frankenstein's monster, mean, jolly and stitched ghouls and even a Harajuku girl.  So much fun! 

After you have drawn the outline of your face, use your black paint and fill it in.  You might not even need to draw the outline first.  If you like to throw caution to the wind you could just skip the marker part and paint your face right on the jar.  I would never trust myself for that but I know it is an option. ;)

Look at these fantastic faces!!!

Now all you have to do is throw your candles in the jar and light em' up!  I apparently stink at photography (not a new revelation btw) and did not get great shots of these bad boys all lit up at night.  I hope you can tell what you are looking at and please take my word that they are so cute all a glow!!!

Halloween is just around the corner...does everyone have their scabs and pimples ready???  Gross, right?  Muahahahaha

I hope you enjoyed this project and that some of you have time to give it a whirl.  I would love to see some of the awesome luminaries that you come up with!  Enjoy your day, it is a gift.

   LOVE &


  1. So cute! We have esp! Was just painting an old pickle jar! I tried to reply to your comment, but you are set to non-reply.... Email me:

  2. These are really cute! Just found your blog and enjoyed my time here. Would love to have you follow back and Link up with Fantabulous Friday!

  3. Those are totally adorable!! Thanks so much for stopping by our blog today!! The apron is seriously so fun, can't wait to see your finished product:)

  4. I love those!!!!!!!
    Come and link them up on my craft linky! Every Wednesday!:)

  5. Really, really cute! Thanks so much for your sweet comment on my Star Wars costumes (didn't have your email, but wanted to say thanks).

  6. Those are so cute!! Thanks so much for linking them up!!! :)

  7. You have some cute crafts going on here!! Kids can totally do them - and they'd be so proud. I peeked at some other posts - laughed at the scabs & zits : )

  8. Your luminaries turned out really cute. I know my little one would like to make these.

  9. Super cute!

    I'm your newest follower from My Creative Way. Stop by when you get a chance!

    Raychel -


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